Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Sunday night I went to a superbowl party...me and Ashton walk in and there was no one there...then this little girl was like "everyone is in the basement"...but we had never been to this house before so we were just like "uh okay..." and started walking around trying to find the basement haa! Eventualy we found everyone and as we walked into the basement there were like 20 guys and we were the only girls there...my boyfriends dad was there but not my boyfriend...talk about awkward! Ha! It was pretty weird at first but then it got better. When I got home Sunday night my stomach started hurting and I woke up at 4 in the morning to take my dad to the airport...but then I started throwing up. I threw up ALLLLLL freaking day on Monday like NON STOP. I'm pretty sure I lost like 10 pounds and now have like rock hard abs hahaha. It was the worst thing of my life! Then Monday night I walked downstairs to go and get some water and I passed out while getting water hahahaha. So I was just laying on the floor in the kitchen for like an hour before anyone even knew I had collaspsed. It was awful! And I was so dizzy I coudn't get up! But today I am feeling MUCH better! I mean I still don't feel great or anything, but a heck of a lot better! Tomorrow I have to go to school...KILL ME! I HATE SCHOOL SO MUCH! UGH! Oh well...i'll survive. So my dad had a job interview today for a job in Chicago :/ kinda crazy! I want to get out of Arkansas...but I hate cold weather so I'm not so sure about Chicago ha. Valentines day is soon AGH! I don't know what to get Chase! I'll probably just like bake him a heart shaped cake and cute stuff like that hah. I NEED summer now. I wish more people were attractive hahah. Okay thats all. ♥♥♥

Sunday, February 7, 2010



There's so much I don't know

So yesterday my day was quite eventful! I woke up at 7:30 to go and babysit...who in the world needs a babysitter that early?! Jeeze! Then I came home and took a nap (: then Ashton came over and we just talked to my mom and I tried on my prom dress for her! It needs to be altered because I'm short...and the straps need to be lifted so my boobs don't fall out. Then of course I went to go babysit some more...kill me! After that I went to go see the movie Dear John. I was expecting it to be reallyyyyy good, but I left the movie theater a little disappointed in it. The ending was slightly stupid, but oh well! Then me and Jacob and Ashton went to Waffle House!!! Our waitress had some SICK NASTY UGLY HILARIOUS bangs going on hahahah. They like stuck straight out on the top of her little Waffle House hat. I had some orange juice that was incredibly disgusting,but I drank it anyways. I've learned to not expect too much from Waffle House ha. Oh and here is a fun little fact:Waffle House claims to have the Worlds Best Chicken...bet ya didn't know that! Hahahahah! Then our waitress randomly disappeared...to go smoke I assume hah. Ashton then put in a quarter to hear the song Hillbilly Rap hahaahha! This morning I had to wake up bright and early for church and I woke up starving. I felt like I hadn't eaten in like 3 days, it was crazy! And on my way to church I killed a squirrel and it was SO sad and I feel SO bad :((! Now I'm just sitting here being lazy. Tonight is the Super Bowl...I guess I'll watch it. I don't care much for either of the teams...or for football in general ha. My face is looking really ugly right now, its awful! Oh well. I have no need to impress anyone ha. I MISS HANNAH! I haven't seen her since Friday...CRAZY! I really like sprite and biscuits. Well I guess I'll be done typing pointless things. Bye. ♥♥♥

"in the chaos in confusion I know You're sovereign still"

Friday, February 5, 2010

Catty Smiles

Today is an I HATE PEOPLE kind of day. I just dropped my phone in lemonade while driving and it spilled alllllll over my pants and made me look like I peed myself and ruined my phone. I now cannot text smiley faces...and that makes me really sad because I am like the smiley face queen. KILL ME NOW! And I cannot text the letter "v" or do exclamation marks or question marks. I'm so annoyed with everyone right now. fadsfjdasklfjsklajfldskajfklsdjfklj;l!!!!! Oh but on the bright side I bought a prom dress today and it is the cutest thing of my life and I LOVE it! But now I am broke because it was so expensive :/ but it was worth it! Ha! I just got a text that said "i wanna eat em all and throw them in the trash"...yes she was talking about people...because she hates people. As you can tell I have really positive friends ;) ha. Everyone is so incredibly two-faced. It annoys me aghhhh. I can't trust anyoneeeee. I'm cold and tired and hungry right now...story of my life. I'm just full of complaints today haha. Nom Nom Nom! I hate wearing pants...so I never do...some may find it weird but whateverrr. I have to wake up early and babysit at 9am tomorrow....of course. Well I guess I'm done ranting for the night...♥♥♥

Thursday, February 4, 2010

We all learn to make mistakes

School is seriously the worst thing of my life! I don't even learn anything! KILL ME! I woke up this morning super LATE then had to take my dad to work and was in a horrible mood then I got to school and parked my car and then walked about 165498785641658 miles because my parking spot is SOOO far away! And while I was walking in to school it was freezing and raining!! I didn't even do my makeup or my hair this morning and I was looking like poooop. Anyways, I have realized that there are SO many unattractive people at my school...haha! But luckily I ended up having lunch with Hannah today! We ate popcorn that tasted like nothing and thick applesauce haa!! Then in seminar I had to sit through some pointless presentation for over an hour. Everything is just a waste of time aghhh! My mom and I are like old ladies. We ate dinner at 4pm. HA! Now I am just sitting here watching HGTV and listening to The Rocket Summer♥ I have this crazyyyyy intense love for The Rocket Summer. It just never ever gets old to me. Hmm, Ben Rector is pretty much really amazing and attractive. My nails are chipped and I really need to paint them. Chipped nail polish REALLY annoys me a whole lot! Tomorrow I have Chemistry first period...but apparently my old teacher fell and hurt herself and now she is retiring next week...crazy! I need to stop complaing. But I can't help it when everything is so dumb! My boyfriend asked me to go to super-bowl party with him hahahhaha KILL ME. I can't wait for tomorrow morning...CINNI MINIS!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Yeah, I am def. craving nasty breakfast food right now. So what else is better than Waffle House?! I just got home from cell group, it was pretty good. Now I am just putting off my math homework...as usual. I'm just waiting to talk to Chase now. Agh. Valentines day is soon and I have NO earthly idea what to get him...ha. So uh i'll just get Hannah something instead hahaha.


I am new at this whole "blogging" thing. It should be interesting (: My friend Hannah started blogging the other day and I read hers and thought-hey why not do one too!

So let me tell you how my day went. I woke up to the vibration of my phone from about EIGHT MILLION texts...of course and just like every other day I was mad that I had to wake up hah. Then I got myself ready in about ten minutes then took my father to work and was swerving all over the freaking road because my windshield was SO darn icy and foggy. Once I dropped him off I was headed to Panera for breakfast...a hilarious breakfast situation with my friends; Hannah, Jacob, and Ashton. I arrived at Panera a little later than I anticipated because I was stuck at some DUMB red light for about fifteen minutes. It was SO annoying. Me and Hannah got a cinnamon crunch bagel toasted with plain cream cheese and a lemonade...the norm. And we all ate and it was kind of awkward...but funny. Then Hannah and I headed to school and were late...of course. But lucky for us they weren't even counting tardies at school today ((: but it wouldn't have even mattered to me because my first hour teacher is so old she doesn't even notice when people come in late. Then I went through the school day HATING every single moment of it. I have this burning hatred for school. It is not my classes that I dislike so much it is all the ignorant STUPID people at school. NO ONE IS NICE! It is so ridiculous. But oh well, life goes on! Just one and a half more years in Bentonville and then I'm outta here for good!!! And now I am at the Teen Action and Support Center. I am an intern here, it is actually kind of fun! I just answer phones and make appointments and do some walk-in counseling things. After this I'm headed to Bible study, then eight million years of homework...that I probably won't end up doing. I will most likely end up watching HGTV for hours...hahah! Too bad I'm so lame. ♥♥♥