Friday, February 5, 2010

Catty Smiles

Today is an I HATE PEOPLE kind of day. I just dropped my phone in lemonade while driving and it spilled alllllll over my pants and made me look like I peed myself and ruined my phone. I now cannot text smiley faces...and that makes me really sad because I am like the smiley face queen. KILL ME NOW! And I cannot text the letter "v" or do exclamation marks or question marks. I'm so annoyed with everyone right now. fadsfjdasklfjsklajfldskajfklsdjfklj;l!!!!! Oh but on the bright side I bought a prom dress today and it is the cutest thing of my life and I LOVE it! But now I am broke because it was so expensive :/ but it was worth it! Ha! I just got a text that said "i wanna eat em all and throw them in the trash"...yes she was talking about people...because she hates people. As you can tell I have really positive friends ;) ha. Everyone is so incredibly two-faced. It annoys me aghhhh. I can't trust anyoneeeee. I'm cold and tired and hungry right now...story of my life. I'm just full of complaints today haha. Nom Nom Nom! I hate wearing I never do...some may find it weird but whateverrr. I have to wake up early and babysit at 9am tomorrow....of course. Well I guess I'm done ranting for the night...♥♥♥

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