Wednesday, February 3, 2010


I am new at this whole "blogging" thing. It should be interesting (: My friend Hannah started blogging the other day and I read hers and thought-hey why not do one too!

So let me tell you how my day went. I woke up to the vibration of my phone from about EIGHT MILLION texts...of course and just like every other day I was mad that I had to wake up hah. Then I got myself ready in about ten minutes then took my father to work and was swerving all over the freaking road because my windshield was SO darn icy and foggy. Once I dropped him off I was headed to Panera for breakfast...a hilarious breakfast situation with my friends; Hannah, Jacob, and Ashton. I arrived at Panera a little later than I anticipated because I was stuck at some DUMB red light for about fifteen minutes. It was SO annoying. Me and Hannah got a cinnamon crunch bagel toasted with plain cream cheese and a lemonade...the norm. And we all ate and it was kind of awkward...but funny. Then Hannah and I headed to school and were late...of course. But lucky for us they weren't even counting tardies at school today ((: but it wouldn't have even mattered to me because my first hour teacher is so old she doesn't even notice when people come in late. Then I went through the school day HATING every single moment of it. I have this burning hatred for school. It is not my classes that I dislike so much it is all the ignorant STUPID people at school. NO ONE IS NICE! It is so ridiculous. But oh well, life goes on! Just one and a half more years in Bentonville and then I'm outta here for good!!! And now I am at the Teen Action and Support Center. I am an intern here, it is actually kind of fun! I just answer phones and make appointments and do some walk-in counseling things. After this I'm headed to Bible study, then eight million years of homework...that I probably won't end up doing. I will most likely end up watching HGTV for hours...hahah! Too bad I'm so lame. ♥♥♥

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